Purge by sofi oksanen utrensning

Purge sofi oksanen sparknotes

Purge (Finnish: Puhdistus) is a novel by Finnish-Estonian writer Sofi Oksanen, which has been translated into thirty-eight languages.

purge by sofi oksanen utrensning

The purge book series

Sofi Oksanen and Estonia’s past: Purge as a memory text.

Purge by sofi oksanen utrensning reviews

Aliide's own warped cruelty enables a brutal honesty about the moral ambiguities of collaboration, with Oksanen, a young Finnish writer of Finnish-Estonian parentage, brave enough to depict .
Purge by sofi oksanen utrensning video
Set in twentieth century Estonia, Purge follows the lives of two women, Aliide and Zara; Aliide is an older woman living alone in a remote Estonian village, and Zara is a young .